Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Juana in a Snit

I cannot believe what Missy Linda did! Can you believe that she completely forgot that yesterday was Fat Tuesday? She is so wrapped up in what is important to her that she can't think of others. I had such a day planned for us! I had a float all designed in my tiny mind. I had a beautiful costume pictured with a fabulous head piece that weighed more than me. I expected to need rocks in my Styrofoam base to avoid tipping over. (I am tired of being head down in any circumstance.) Do you know what she was thinking? She was babbling about that election and about that Thursday is Chinese New Year! Now, I ask you------which do you think is more important? (The correct answer is Fat Tuesday, of course!) Some day Missy Linda is going to be sorry that she treated me this way.

I will say one thing. It is so good that we see Missy Linda's therapist today. I have some things to tell her! I am sure she will put that selfish woman in her place! I will let you know what happens.

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