Friday, August 24, 2012

Snap Out of It

Hello most humans and many others,

I just want to let all of you out there know that I am officially tired of Missy Linda's whining and moping around, and I am putting her on notice. I will find a better place to live if she doesn't snap out of it and start taking me places and doing entertaining things with me.

Remember back when I had a party for every holiday - - - some of them weren't even important holidays? Remember when I had an outfit for every occasion and every holiday? I want to go back to those days.

If Missy Linda wants to have my brillant personality and lovely countenance around, she had better get on the stick and make my life more pleasant. I think I might be growing roots down into the dining table. Do you suppose that's possible?

If any of you out there would like to take on the responsibilities of making my life great, just let me know. OK? I think I could be rich and/or famous if I just had the right person helping me. Is that you?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

To Go or Not To Go

Hello most humans and many others,

Wow! Missy Linda is about to drive us all crazy today! By 6:00 am tomorrow morning, she must be enrolled in school if she is going to go. She doesn't know what to do, she says. She doesn't have a job, and she isn't scheduled for any great interviews or anything. That means that she has no money, and she doesn't have a clue about when she will have some.

She says that it might be a good time to rack up some hours in school, but somehow the tuition must get paid. Or, on the other hand, she posits, she could take a class or two in the evening like she has been doing the last few semesters, in case she should get a day job. (Like that's going to happen.) She keeps hoping, though.

Here's the thing: I don't really care what she does about her little problems - - - as long as she shuts up about that stuff! She drives herself and everyone else bonkers by going back and forth and around and around about what to do. I think it's more than enough that I have to listen to her whine about how she's going to have to move. After all, I have to move, too!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Not Everyone Loves Olympics

Hello most humans and many others,

From listening to the television and Missy Linda and Tio Kane talking, it seems that all the world is interested in only the Olympics. But I know differently. I happen to know that at least a couple of people are not happy about the Olympics because I've been nosing around in Missy Linda's computer.

I know for sure that her friends, Merja Karhu and Clement Lee, who live in London, are not happy about the Olympics. Clement is a graduate student who is originally from Hong Kong. He is just annoyed that it is harder to get where he needs to go, and the city is just over run with too many people.

Merja's problems are similar to Clement's except hers are closer to her daily life. On one side of her apartment building, there is one of those giant screens where people can watch the athletic events. On the other side of her building is a carnival, which turned out to be a big bust. She has a young son so she thought at least he might have a good time there, but they couldn't even get all the rides up and running. She is not happy with all the noise and the greasy food smells, and her son is disappointed that he has not had any of the fun he had hoped he would.

Merja is awakened some mornings around 6:00 am by the soldiers and security guards patrolling outside her building. They talk loudly on their walkie-talkies. One morning she stepped out onto her balcony, and she heard one say, "Woman on second floor balcony."

I suppose she can at least feel safe, right?