Monday, March 30, 2009

Running Late

Hello humans and others,

I will have to hurry with this. Missy Linda will be running by here to turn off the computer on her way to class any minute now. She has finally found the optimal time to arrive at the parking lot in order to have the best opportunity to get a parking space that is at least in the same block as the building. Since it is the second half of the semester, though, some mornings the lot is less full than usual. It seems that many more people skip during this time for some reason. Maybe they feel they have a grasp of the material or maybe they are just hung over more often or maybe it is just too sunny, cloudy, windy, pleasant, unpleasant or still. Who knows? Perhaps someone should research that for some class. As Roseanne Roseanna Danna says, "It's always something. If it's not one thing, it's another." You remember how Missy Linda likes her.

I am certainly hoping that the fact that the "Daily Show" will be back with new shows tonight will give Missy Linda a kick in the pants that she needs. She is always low when that show is in reruns. I guess it takes all kinds, huh?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Nothing Gets Done!

Hello humans and others,

How are you all doing on this day after the snow? I suppose that we are all doing fine here, as fine as we can be and never go anyplace or do anything. Well, I suppose Missy Linda at least gets to go to class, although sometimes she doesn't seem to count that as a plus. I know she really likes it.

I cannot believe that she can be at home for three days straight and never take that car out of the driveway! She is beginning to get on my nerves! One problem with that is that I don't particularly see anything that she gets done around here in that time, though. I see her reading text books and stuff and sometimes working at the computer on papers, but all in all, I don't see much else. I guess I did see her sewing this weekend, but not as much as she needs to. She says that she is really struggling these days to get things done, but I am wondering if she isn't just lazy. As far as I can tell, she has been struggling to get things done for at least a year! I think that she just needs a good swift kick in the keester, don't you?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Is That All?

Greetings humans and others,

Well, I must say that I am disappointed in the snowfall this morning, aren't you? I know that there is more than enough up in the northwest, but there is just a little on the grass here. I hear that there is more coming this morning, but they are now saying it's only going to be a small amount.

I can't help but wonder if people who had to cancel events are very upset. I think that the place they actually postponed the prom actually has snow, but there is not any to speak of here, and the sand trucks have been out all night to boot. I guess it really doesn't matter to me since there would be no chance I would be going anywhere one way or the other. Missy Linda said she has to sew and write papers.

She has started complaining that all her big papers are due soon. She's not worried about them too much except for the screenplay. She cannot think of a story to write. The other papers just require research and then actually writing it. She says she just has a mental block about this screenplay. I personally feel she has a mental block about many things, don't you?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Just in Time

Hello humans and others,

Well, Missy Linda got to the bird feeders just in time last night when she finally remembered to bring them inside. Just as she started walking out across the dark yard, someone skittered under the fence---and that is just the one she saw! One good thing about bringing in the feeders is that there is about half as much eaten by just the birds. That is good for Missy Linda because she can't afford to feed those rotund raccoons and portly possums.

She is getting more and more disappointed that no bird has made a nest in her window nest box. She has had it up on the window for a couple of months so they would notice it, but no one wants to be on a reality show for Missy Linda, I guess. A little bird house hangs on the window by big suction cups and the back side is made of a clear plastic. On the inside of the window is hung a non-transparent side that can be moved to look inside. Missy Maitlyn had a nest in her window nest box one time. You know how paranoid Missy Linda is! She takes it personally that no birds will nest in her box. How would you like to deal with her every day?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just Fine

Greetings humans and others,

Well, Missy Linda says that many of you guys out there will know what I'm talking about when I say that Missy Ryley is evidently ready to take over for her dad, Mr. Nick. Yesterday evening she fell off a picnic table at Home Depot and cracked her clavicle. She will be wearing a little vest type thing for about four weeks, but she will be fine. She is just in a little pain right now when she moves her shoulder. She has always been a brave girl. Missy Linda feels that a sweet little girl should not have to take on the legacy of broken bones and/or emergency room visits from her dad. He should just keep it for himself because that's one thing that a daddy is for.

At any rate, Mr. Nick didn't get to go to Missy Elspeth's birthday party Friday evening because he was sick. He didn't even go to work on Monday. One would think that would be enough to keep the accident hounds at bay, but I suppose not. Again, I'm not sure how all this is supposed to work.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Never Before

Hello humans and others,

Well, Missy Linda wanted me to tell you all that something happened at the zoo that has never happened when it was just Missy Linda in charge of the girls. They lost Amelia! Fortunately, she told a zoo employee that she couldn't find her mommy, and he took her to the office. She was just starting to color a picture when her mommy came to get her. They realized that it happened when the whole group turned around to go a different direction, and Amelia did not get with the crowd. I suppose that a valuable lesson was learned by the adults. It pays to teach your children what to do if something like that happens. Amelia was able to tell them her name and her circumstance. We are just all thankful that it turned out all right.

I just want to say that I am sorry to be so lax in writing the past few days. I guess that even though I did not go any place, I was still worn out from all the excitement that comes from a whole pile of little girls playing here at Missy Linda's house.

Missy Linda is all sad again today because she decided to stop the process for adopting a little Sheltie named Winston. She wanted him very much, but she just felt that the agency was asking too much. Missy Linda said that she did not mind that her vet records were gone over with a fine toothed comb for every pet she has owned. She did not balk at giving personal references to be checked. She could have gone along with the home visit and the visit with the girls who live in Edmond---maybe. She started simmering, though, when they told her that they could pop in at any time in the future to check on Winston, and that they would be calling her vet in the future to be sure that she is providing health care for the dog and all other pets she owns. Missy Linda felt that was going over the line and that she would not be Winston's owner at all. She believes that the lady did not want to give up Winston because she said that several times. Missy Linda thinks that it is a wonder any dogs get adopted from that agency. She will try again some place else.

Friday, March 20, 2009

It's Party Day

Dear humans and others,

Well, we have been pretty busy around here the last few days. We went to the zoo on Wednesday---well, actually, Tio Kane and I stayed at home. I am probably just as glad since I heard that it was super crowded and pretty warm that day. They had to park way over in front of the Science Museum, so that tells you how many people were there. There were Missy Lesley, Missy Elise and Missy Linda plus the five little girls and Baby Sam, who is just four months old. Baby Sam did not fuss one time all day long.

Yesterday, everyone played outside a long time and rode bikes and scooters and things like that. They colored the sidewalks and the sides of the house with colored chalk, and then we had Chinese food for dinner. Everyone went to sleep pretty well after playing outside for so long.

Today they are all going to Incredible Pizza for Missy Elspeth's Sixth Birthday Party. Everyone loves to go there and I'm sure they will have a great time. They baked a chocolate cake for the party, and Elspeth is very excited. I don't know if I want to go or not. It is pretty loud in there, but I suppose it could be fun.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

They're Getting Braver

Hello humans and others,

Well, whoever was in the back yard last night was braver and perhaps more annoyed than usual. After cleaning out the bird seed from the feeder that was left out, it came up onto the patio and knocked over a bunch of planters (no plants, just dirt and rocks) and emptied a container of potato peels and coffee grounds to be taken to the compost container. What a mess!

The little girls from Arkansas are coming this afternoon along with their mother, Missy Elise, so Missy Linda had better get herself in gear getting that mess cleaned up. It is going to be warm the next couple of days so the girls will want to play outside. One day while they are here, they are all going to the zoo. I probably won't get to go because I am pretty sure that Missy Linda would not spring for a stroller or wagon for me to ride. They will have the other two girls who live in Edmond and maybe even Missy Ryley and Missy Emma's cousin, Baby Sam. Of course, there would be three adults for the six kids so I don't know why it would be any more trouble to take me along. I have never been to the zoo, and I think that would be an educational experience for me, don't you?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Mushu Afraid?

Hi humans and others,

I recently came to the conclusion that there could be someone besides humans who read my blog. After all, I don't know how many of the humans out there would consider me a human. And as it so happens, I am not a human. I just wanted to be inclusive.

Anyway, Tio Kane believes that Mushu is afraid in the back yard because we have too much wild life there these days, and he doesn't have Button to help keep them at bay. He will hardly go outside at all any more. Missy Linda sort of pushes him out sometimes, and he will stand right by the door until she lets him back into the house. He is so tiny and puny that it is certainly understandable that he is afraid!

If you remember, last summer I posted pictures of Mushu and a raccon peacefully coexisting in the back yard. I don't know what has happened in his tiny little brain since then that keeps him afraid. Or maybe he has decided he is an indoor cat.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

So Far So Good

Hello humans and others,

Well, Missy Linda forgot to bring in the bird feeders last night, but since she did it the night before, maybe the critters just assumed they were not there. I don't think that will work for long though. She had better remember most nights, I think.

If those critters looked all skinny and starving, it would be another story, Missy Linda says. But she says she is not into financing a lazy life style for a bunch of fat, lazy animals---except Mushu! He gets free food no matter what he does because he lives inside, I guess. Or maybe it is because he was an orphan. Poor baby! Somehow, though, it doesn't seem quite fair to me. Mushu is much more trouble than those outside critters. He even wakes up Missy Linda in the middle of the night just because he wants her to pet him. Now, I would think that would get old, wouldn't you?

Friday, March 13, 2009

Critter City

Hello humans and others,

I am so glad to report that some of Missy Linda's wild animal friends are back so she is pretty busy in the evenings. That means that I might be more likely to sneak around and do something fun. In about 30 minutes last evening, there were three giant raccoons and an opossum* in the back yard. Later there must have been an armadillo because there are the tell-tale holes in the yard where he was digging for roots. Now, she figures that she will need to try to remember to bring in the bird feeders at night because she can't afford to feed that many huge mammals. Now she knows what was happening to all the bird seed! She is kind of dense sometimes, you know. She kept thinking that those birds sure were eating a lot, and bird seed sure was going up in price. Duh! Now, she can put things together---after she's seen it with her own two eyes.

She thinks that the raccoons are the family from last summer. If it is the same family, the kids are definitely all grown up! She says they are much bigger than Pseudo Uncle's Richard Raccoon. Maybe Richard's growth is stunted from all the chocolate candy, pecans and pepperoni pizza that he eats! Wait! That doesn't make sense, does it?

Since he lives in town, Missy Linda said to call him this. If he were a country animal he would be a possum. I don't know where she gets her information, do you?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Glad To Stay Home

Greetings humans and others,

I will tell you that today I am glad to stay home and let Missy Linda go out alone. I still have nightmares from last winter when I rode with her on a snowy/little bit icy day. I know that the roads aren't really slick today, but they weren't supposed to be slick that day either. I might go out in wintry weather some time if I ever recover from the last time! We'll see.

Missy Linda says she would probably stay home today just to be lazy, but the professors make sure that there are papers to turn in or tests to take this close to spring break. That way students cannot leave town or get too happy before the break actually starts. Missy Linda says that sucks because one of her professors is leaving town today for break. "Not fair!" she says. Poor Missy Linda-----not!

I'll bet you would all like to join me in a chorus of "My Heart Bleeds For You," wouldn't you?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Never Boring

Greetings humans,

Well, there is definitely one thing that is true of living in Oklahoma. The weather keeps us all guessing. When Missy Linda went out this morning about 7:00 to get the newspaper, it was almost hot already. I know because I heard her complaining. I even heard when she and Kane were both complaining about it a little later in the morning. By the time that she went to class a little after 10:00, it was already quite chilly. They say it may snow this weekend.

That's always the way it is here at this time of year, they tell me. I don't get out much these days, as you may have heard, but I would like to give it a try. I think that I could withstand any weather as far as temperature goes. I might have some problems with the wind, but that would just require some planning on my part---and maybe a few rocks. I think that I would be able to handle it all quite nicely if Missy Linda would just give me the opportunity. Don't you agree?

Monday, March 9, 2009

It's Really Monday!

Hello humans,

I really don't understand why you people mess around with the clocks the way that you do and get everyone all cranky. Is there any Monday more Monday-ish than the Monday after you weirdos have subtracted an hour from the middle of the night? Aren't Mondays bad enough sometimes as they are normally?

I'll tell you all that I don't know if I will ever understand some of the stupid things that you guys do. It is just beyond my comprehension why everything has to be made more complicated. Can any of you even explain that to me? And I don't mean about how daylight savings time started to save electricity or was to let farmers work later after their other jobs. Whatever. I think it's time you all faced the real truth. You're all a bunch of weirdos!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Phone Books

Hello humans,

How many phone books does your family need? I think that our family needs one or two sets (white pages and yellow pages). I don't even know how many we keep getting on our front porch! It seems that about once a month there's some new phone book there when we go out. I think that a few forests could be saved if they cut that down a little.

Once it is on the porch, we are required to do something with it. Well, the stack by the phone is already tall enough, and Missy Linda has some in the bedroom. She even has a small one in the car! Now what? That means that they must expect Missy Linda to drive to a telephone book recycling place, known as the telephone office, to get them recycled. While Missy Linda is a good recycler, even she balks at going that far so many times.

Even though there are coupons in the middle of some of the books, they could be sent out in a much friendlier way that would not upset Missy Linda. We do not like it when Missy Linda is upset. We like to keep things nice and calm around here. Remember that, everyone. Do not upset Missy Linda!

Friday, March 6, 2009

One of the Worst Days Here!

Hello humans,

It is been a trying week here at Missy Linda's house. On Tuesday, Missy Button died, and Missy Linda has not been the same since. Missy Button was truly the best dog ever as far as we are concerned.

I have told you about how she saved the neighbor lady from a really bad burglar and how she used to keep Missy Linda from oversleeping, and just this Thanksgiving she alerted everyone else that three of the little girls had run out the front door and were across the street, one of them bare-footed. Missy Button had to be told something only one time for it to be in her permanent memory.

Missy Linda has a really good picture of Button that she found the other day, but now she has lost it again. She will let me show it to you as soon as she finds it again, even though you have seen her in a princess crown and by the Christmas tree and I don't remember what else.

Things will never, ever be the same around here.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

We Ate Like It Was 1999!

Greetings humans,

I am sorry that I have been gone a couple of days. I will explain later what all was happening. It was not a party, though. I need to sort some things out in my mind before I start talking about that.

This picture is from the party at Missy Barb's house on Saturday. As you can see, I am sitting atop a nearly devoured cake. That was a whole cake at the beginning of the day! Can you believe it? I personally saw Missy Linda eating the most of the cake.
Anyway, the people in the picture are Pseudo Uncle, Missy Carol and Mr. Fred. You have never seen Mr. Fred before, and he doesn't really even know who I am. That's all right. He will get to know me soon enough. You know I am going to get attention whenever I can. Don't worry. I won't play any mean tricks on him or anything.

Back to the party. It was too awful of a sight for me to show any pictures of all the other food and crap that those people ate. It was just too much. There were those big ol' slabs of meat and all the stuff that went with it. The table was totally covered. It would have not been a pleasant picture for you all to view.

Well, I have to run for now. I'll talk to you again tomorrow, OK?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Great Games and Great Food

Greetings humans,

Well, finally! I got to go someplace yesterday to have some fun. We went to Missy Barb's to watch the OU basketball games and have some fabulous food. Both the OU women and men won their games, so that was fabulous---even the OSU men won their game.

Now, for the food---Pseudo Uncle cooked burgers for lunch and steaks for dinner. They were cooked over real wood, tasting like Missy Linda hasn't had in years! She ate way too much and considered herself lucky that she wasn't sick from over-eating. She did come home and just fall into bed last night, though. Add to those steaks and burgers some potatoes, salad, bread and cake and cake and cake and you have a potential disaster---thankfully avoided this time.

Dear anonymous,
Yes, I know that now. I have discovered that Missy Linda was just trying to jerk my chain and get me all in a tizzy. She does not always tell me the whole truth, I think.