Sunday, March 31, 2013


Hello most humans and many others,

Wow! Last night around here was like being on a safari. Or at least, it sounded like it.

Mr. Nelson is not allowed to bark outside after 10:00 pm, so when we heard him barking at something behind the back fence around 10:15, Missy Linda went outside to tell him to come in if he couldn't be quiet. From inside the house, we heard what sounded like some other neighborhood dogs barking, too.

When Missy Linda opened the back door, a wave of howling and wild barking swept over us. It seemed like we were in the Serengeti where a pack of hyenas were circling a carcass that a lion was devouring. I know it couldn't have actually been hyenas, but it was not neighborhood dogs either.

Missy Linda said it must have been coyotes. Our house backs up to a densely wooded creekbank, and beyond that, in one direction, are open fields. Missy Linda has seen lots of coyotes around back there, but never a pack that could sound like this howling hoarde. Coyotes are usually loners, but they do gang up sometimes. We don't know what they were commiserating about, but they quieted down pretty soon, and that's all we know about it. I know if I had blood, it would have curdled last night.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Just Push Another Button

Hello most humans and many others,

Missy Linda and Tio Kane have been a little annoyed the last couple of days. First, the other night, the cable and internet went off, right during the Daily Show. First Missy Linda spent a while on the phone arguing with a computer voice. Then Tio Kane spent a longer time actually speaking with a real person. It turns out that someone at Cox had entered the wrong day to discontinue services at this house because we're moving. Missy Linda kept saying, sort of to herself, that if someone pushed a button to enter a date, why can't they just push a different button to change it? Evidently, that's impossible.

Well, after about an hour, the cable and internet came back on. It seemed the problem was solved. But, oh no. That's too easy. Because of the way that the "tech support" person had to restore the cable and internet, he said that our phone might go out, but he thought he had avoided that. It seemed that everything was going to be all right. The phone stayed connected, and it seemed that was that.

Then about 5:30 on Friday afternoon, the phone does go dead. According to the "tech support" who works after hours, he couldn't override the phone order that turned off the connection. So now, it seems that poor Missy Linda and Tio Kane will be without their land line phone until Monday. I guess the poor souls will be forced to exclusively use their cell phones which, they complain, don't get good reception inside this house. Poor things. They make it sound as if they're in solitary confinement or something. Somehow I think they can get through this horrible catastrophe if they can just be brave, don't you?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Way Too Long

Hello most humans and many others,

I can't believe I am so bad about getting back into the groove of talking with you all. Missy Linda and Tio Kane are kind of going off on too many tangents for me with this moving stuff. I did hear them say that the movers are actually coming Saturday. I'll believe it when I see it.

Last night was Missy Emma's first softball game of this year. She is only five, so she plays T-ball. She hit a home run, and their team won the game. She almost hit another possible home run, but she accidently nailed one of her team's base runners. That made it an out. She had a little trouble understanding that rule, but that's the way it goes, I suppose.

Missy Ryley's first game is tonight. Since she's seven, she plays machine pitch. She is a good player, especially since she got down the timing of when to swing as the ball hurtles toward her sweet little face. She has always been a good fielder. I predict she will do well and have a good time.

Friday, March 15, 2013

He's Too Good

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, I am glad I am not Mr. Nelson, except for all the attention he gets all the time. However, he is still sneezing when he sniffs out clues in the yard. He automatically waits for Missy Linda by the cabinet where the Benedryl is kept. I don't know if he knows the medicine helps or if he just wants the treat he gets after he takes the pill. Whatever the reason, he is a good boy when it's time for medicine.

Missy Linda is always going on and on about how smart Mr. Nelson is. I really like him, and I believe he is the one who would save me in a fire, but I get pretty sick of hearing about how wonderful he is. Also, it is a little, or a lot, sickening when Mr. Nelson runs in from outside, and Missy Linda and Tio Kane go on and on about how he's telling them stuff that he's been doing outside. He is making weird noises, and he does look them right in the eyes, but come on . . .

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Yard is Greening

Hello most humans and many others,

This morning there was a big black dog meandering around the cul-de-sac. It was all right. He lives one block over. It's not the first time he's visited here, but Mr. Nelson still wants him to stay on his own street. Needless to say, Mr. Nelson spent quite an active morning guarding and barking. Missy Linda wouldn't let Mr. Nelson out into the front yard while the other dog was out there even though he and Mr. Nelson had met before.

After the neighbor dog left, Missy Linda went out front with Mr. Nelson so he could check out his property. He had to smell every place black dog had been and then remark the territory as his own. Missy Linda always laughs when Mr. Nelson is running frantically with his nose to the ground sniffing out the "clues." Even though it was cold this morning, the weeds that have those tiny purple flowers are already growing. While Mr. Nelson was sniffing round and round in those weeds, he was having sneezing fits. It was really funny to see, but Mr. Nelson seems to get a little scared by his sneezing. Poor Mr. Nelson.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

End of her World

Hello most humans and many others,

Poor Missy Emma's world as she has always known it, has imploded on her little heart. Her absolutely, no question about it, best friend, Mr. Omar, is moving to Omaha. At her tender age of only five, Missy Emma has not had an event like this to have to deal with before. She can be just riding in the car or sitting on the couch at home, and she dissolves in tears if she thinks of it. And she thinks of it often. He's leaving during spring break, and Missy Emma will be in Colorado visiting her cousins. I, as one who has had her life uprooted many times,can only hope she gets to say a proper good-bye to her friend, and I wish for them that this is the most painful separation they ever have to endure.

Missy Linda believes her heart is breaking, too, but she's just a crazy person. She just heard on the news that her beloved Jon Stewart will be absent from the Daily Show for the whole summer. John Oliver will be his sub while he runs off to direct a movie or some such nonsense. John Oliver is entertaining, but to Missy Linda, Jon Stewart is the only person for the Daily Show. She said she watched it back when that really tall guy named Craig something-or-other was the host. Jon is head and shoulders above Craig as the show's host even if he is tiny guy. (Okay, I'm still working on this human comedy thing.)

Monday, March 4, 2013

I Feel Kind of Weird

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, as you probably guessed, Missy Linda did not win the auction for the Lego set. Someone bid in the last few seconds, giving Missy Linda no time to counter the offer. She said she wasn't surprised because a lot of the bidders are pros. However, she was able to find a set to buy outright that had free shipping so that it was really the same total price. She says she prefers just buying rather than having to bid. (I think that's because she always loses.) Anyway, everything turned out just peachy.

Now back to me: I am still feeing a little strange this morning. I don't exactly feel ill, just strange, like I just found out some horrible secret, and I can't tell anyone. Or maybe more like I witnessed a horrible accident involving people. You humans sure do have a lot of stuff inside you that I had no idea was there!

The event that occurred that has caused my strange feelings (which I have not experienced before) was being in the sightline and hearing distance when Missy Linda watched three episodes of the HBO series called, "Girls."  Oh, my goodness! If that's what you humans are like in NYC, then I think I will pass on the dream of living there. Those young women are mostly not so beautiful. Some have huge tattoos that are visible in regular clothes. They take off their clothes a lot, and they are not all skinny and firm like most of the women on TV are. In other words, they look more like Missy Linda than they look like the usually attractive people on television.

These girls don't seem to have a clue about their strange boyfriends, and some of them are very whiny. I can get more of that than I can stand at home, except Missy Linda never has boyfriends.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Auction

Hello most humans and many others,

Missy Linda says I have to hurry with the computer. She is trying to buy a Lego set for Missy Elspeth's birthday gift, and the auction ends in one and a half hours. At the end is when the opponents bid the most. So far she's the only bidder on this set, and it's a new one about the Hobbit. It is going for less than half the retail price. She hopes she can get it for the bid she has in now because she can't afford to pay more.  Missy Linda says she can just imagine Missy Elspeth playing with this set of Legos. Evidently, almost everyone in the family loves Legos. I think Missy Linda is about the only one who can't really build much with them.

Well, I have to go because Missy Linda is breathing down my neck. I'll let you know how it goes.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Worn Out Already

Hello most humans and many others,

Missy Linda is already kind of having a fit this morning. Mr. Nelson's nemesis, Mr. Squirrel, the one with 8-pack abs, has already been to the bird feeder this morning. He doesn't usually come out this early when the temperature is in the 20's. She's not complaining to Mr. Nelson because Shelties are very sensitive, and if they get yelled at, they never forget it. No, she's just complaining to the air after she lets Mr. Nelson out to chase Mr. Squirrel. The trouble is, I can hear her!

Missy Linda says she has let Mr. Nelson out seventy times already this morning! Now, he has been busy, for sure, but I don't think it's been that many times. Missy Linda is trying to make us think that she has better things to do than let Mr. Nelson in and out. From what I can see, she seldom does anything more important than that.

One thing I've learned is that you shouldn't tell Mr. Nelson to do something unless you are ready to do your part from then on. Mr. Nelson doesn't forget.