Sunday, March 31, 2013


Hello most humans and many others,

Wow! Last night around here was like being on a safari. Or at least, it sounded like it.

Mr. Nelson is not allowed to bark outside after 10:00 pm, so when we heard him barking at something behind the back fence around 10:15, Missy Linda went outside to tell him to come in if he couldn't be quiet. From inside the house, we heard what sounded like some other neighborhood dogs barking, too.

When Missy Linda opened the back door, a wave of howling and wild barking swept over us. It seemed like we were in the Serengeti where a pack of hyenas were circling a carcass that a lion was devouring. I know it couldn't have actually been hyenas, but it was not neighborhood dogs either.

Missy Linda said it must have been coyotes. Our house backs up to a densely wooded creekbank, and beyond that, in one direction, are open fields. Missy Linda has seen lots of coyotes around back there, but never a pack that could sound like this howling hoarde. Coyotes are usually loners, but they do gang up sometimes. We don't know what they were commiserating about, but they quieted down pretty soon, and that's all we know about it. I know if I had blood, it would have curdled last night.

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