Monday, November 29, 2010

Quiet Holiday

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, how was your Thanksgiving weekend? We had a very quiet one around here. I was all ready to see people and be the center of attention. Again, my plans were thwarted by Missy Linda.

She was all back-achy and worn to a frazzle, she said. So, I want to know what's different about that? She is not the only person involved in the Thanksgiving celebrations! But, as usual, what Missy Linda is going through is all that counts in this house.

OK. I'll stop complaining about Missy Linda- - -for this moment. I'll just put it behind me and look forward to all the Christmas hoopla to come!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Worried About Me?

Hello most humans and many others,

I have noticed since I have come back from my unexplained absence that Missy Linda looks a lot older than I remember. I was wondering if she had aged because of worrying about what might have happened to me or where I could have been.

Then, of course, I snapped back to reality! I realized that Missy Linda didn't seem that concerned about my well-being. I was back awhile before she even noticed! And do you realize how long I was gone before she took note? It is shameful, as far as I am concerned. After all, she took on the responsibility of keeping me safe, taking care of me, making and/or buying me lots of beautiful clothes, and just generally doing everything required for my good life!

I don't know what I was thinking! I must quell my misdirected emotions and realize that Missy Linda just has a really bad case of, "Mirror, mirror, on the wall. I am my mother, after all."

Friday, November 19, 2010

Hello, My Friends, Hello

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, I understand it took Missy Linda a while to even notice that I was not in my usual place recently. I could have predicted that. I will tell you all about my adventure at an opportune time, but right now I just want all of you to realize that I have told you the truth about how Missy Linda does not pay any attention to me.

Do you realize how long I was gone before she even had a flicker of an idea that I wasn't in my usual spot? All she thinks about is herself, as usual. I wonder if she would have noticed if blood had been dripping- - -that is, if I had blood!

At any rate, I am in the process of listening and watching to gather info as to her thought processes as far as they involve me. I think that I need to get into that hive of a brain that is hers for my own well-being. I will keep you advised.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What's Going On Here?

Hello friends of Juana,

This will probably be my last post on behalf of Juana, but maybe not for the reason you might imagine. I am not giving up or pouting or anything like that.

When I got up this morning, there she was---in her usual spot! Just sitting (standing?) there. Hair perfectly coiffed, make-up with not a smudge, dress with not a rose or ruffle damaged, but also not saying a word.

Somebody has got some explaining to do!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Long Weekend

Hello friends of Juana,

Well, it was a long weekend, both literally and figuratively, for me. I still haven't seen or heard from Juana, though. I don't have any extra time on weekends to try to track her down because I work longer hours than I do during the week. I'm pretty sure that when Juana gets back, she will say that I am just making excuses!

I am wondering if she convinced someone to aid her in running away, or maybe she fell from her perch and Nelson carried her away, or perhaps she found a hiding place here in the house and wanted to "teach me a lesson." If she is just trying to jerk my chain, I will teach her the lesson for sure!

Let me know if you hear anything.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Weird News

Hello friends of Juana,

I received an anonymous tip that Juana might have been seen in Garvin County this week. I tend to feel this is a mistake, or maybe, it's a prank. Whichever it is, I am not going to completely disregard it. However, until I hear more about it, I will be cautious. I have watched enough detective shows on TV to be careful.

By the way, don't bother to try any fake pleas for a ransom - - -I didn't just fall off the turnip truck! I fell off a long time ago.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Haven't Heard

Hello friends of Juana,

Well, I haven 't heard from anyone who says that she or he has seen Juana. I am guessing that it is probably time for me to start some kind of effort to find her.

It's hard to know where to start - - - how far could she go? Obviously, further than I would have thought she could.

Again, I ask that if you know anything, please let me know.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Something is Terribly Wrong!

Hello friends of Juana Tortilla,

This is not Juana writing. This is Missy Linda. It has been brought to my attention that Juana has not been writing to you. I don't pay too much attention to what all she does because that would take up my whole day listening to her complaints. I suppose that is why I was unaware of her absence.

Anyway, I realize now that I haven't seen her sitting around here lately. Right off hand, I don't recall the last time I saw her. I did discover that her email had been canceled because of inactivity. I have reactivated that so I will be able to intercept any contacts to her for any clues that might provide as to her whereabouts.

At this point, I am not alarmed, but if any of you have seen her, please let me know. OK?