Saturday, May 29, 2010


Greetings most humans and many others,

Remember last year at this time when all Missy Linda wanted was a job? Well, I do! I got so tired of her whining, I thought I would explode!

Now, she complains about her job. Actually, what she is complaining about right now, besides the new district manager, is that she wishes she could have a weekend or a holiday off. "That's the wonderful world of retail," I tell her.

She is always wanting to do something that is only on the weekend. Well, I guess that is sort of too bad for her, isn't it? Between the job at the fabric store and the work she does at home to earn extra money, she is getting too cranky for me. Does anyone out there want to take me on vacation with them? I take up very little room, and I am very quiet.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

All Grown Up

Greetings most humans and many others,

Well, today is Missy Ryley's fifth birthday. Missy Linda feels that she doesn't have much longer to have little girls around. One of the things that Missy Ryley received for her birthday was to get her ears pierced. She has been wanting to have it done, and she decided herself that she was ready for it.

A funny thing that happened is that when Missy Ryley got there with her mom, Missy Lesley, one of her best friends was there to get her ears pierced, also. Talk about coincidence! The two girls had not seen each other for awhile, so there was no plan to meet or anything.

Missy Ryley's color did drain from her face, and she did have to stop and fight back the tears because it did hurt more than she expected. However, after a few days, she is very glad she did it, and after all is said and done, that's the important thing, right?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Clumping Birthdays

Hello most humans and many others,

Missy Linda was talking about how it seems that birthdays kind of clump together in many families. I think she means that sometimes in families, it appears that there are many birthdays that are very close together. In our family, May is one of those months. It is the most densely birthdayed month for us.

On May 1, there is the birthday of Missy Lesley. Then we move to the 10th, which has two celebrants, Mr. Brett and Mr. Dari, Missy Lesley's dad. After a break, on the 22nd, Missy Leslie has her day. A mere four days later, it is Missy Ryley who was born on the 26th. The last birthday for our family in May comes on the last day of the month, and that is Missy Linda's.

We used to celebrate "Parade of Cakes" when a lot of people had birthdays close together, but that seems to have fallen by the wayside the last couple of years. I wish that we could do that some more because I really liked all the fun. I guess Missy Linda is just getting too old and tired. I don't know why else we don't have it now. She is just no fun these days!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Congrats in Order

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, tomorrow is a special day in Albuquerque. Missy Ally is graduating from high school. She is an extremely accomplished young woman, and everyone is super proud of her. Congratulations, Missy Ally. We all know you will accomplish whatever you set out to do.

Today is a big deal, too. Missy Ally is having a big graduation party. We hope everyone has a great time and celebrates Missy Ally enthusiastically. We cannot attend because Missy Linda has to work, but we will be there in spirit.

There's not much going on here in Edmond. I hear that it is not going to storm for a few days. I'll take that for a very good thing. We are a little worn slick around here. All our favorite shows are on in the middle of the night on some other night than they are supposed to be because the four people in western Oklahoma need to be "informed" every nanosecond. That wasn't very nice of me to say that, was it? Well, that's just the way I am when I am inconvenienced, so there!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Whoop, Here It Is

Greetings most humans and many others,

Here we are again at the beginning of another stormy day, so the weather dudes and dudettes on TV say. Mr. Nelson is already staying in his hidey hole, which it turns out is upstairs in the hallway by Tio Kane's room. He has been very hungry lately, but he hasn't eaten his breakfast yet today.

I would offer to stay with him and sit by him upstairs, but he chews on me. That is a little too daring for me! I am not up for anything life threatening just to help Mr. Nelson feel better. Sorry, but that's just how selfish I am. Besides, I just got the flowers on my dress fixed from the last time I got too close to him. He's nice, but I have to stay as intact as possible. Remember that I already have that huge injury that forced my retirement.

I suppose I am not worried about the storms unless I somehow come into contact with huge hail or strong winds. That won't happen unless part of the house is already gone, so I guess at that point, I am on my own, right?

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Front Yard

Hello most humans and many others,

Mr. Nelson has made what he considers an awesome discovery. He has learned that there are sometimes squirrels in the front yard as well as the back yard. He enjoys running after the front yard squirrels because there are big trees that he seems to believe he can climb if he just tries hard enough.

All the large trees that shade the back yard are actually on the other side of the fence so he doesn't get to charge the rodents as effectively as he can when he is actually touching the tree, he feels. Missy Linda says that she does expect him to fly over the back fence one of these days because he sometimes gets at least his head higher than the top of the fence when he makes a running jump. It appears that he can get the highest when he is the maddest at the squirrels.

Actually, Missy Linda worries that one day she will come home from work, and Mr. Nelson will be impaled on the top of the wooden fence. I think she is just being a hysterical mother, but she claims she has seen just such a scenario played out on a TV show called, "Emergency Vets". She is literally going to drive me crazy!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

More Weather

Greetings most humans and many others,

I am feeling sorry for Mr. Nelson today. He is really upset when there are thunderstorms, and he hides. This morning when Missy Linda wasn't greeted by him when she went into the kitchen, she knew he had been through a rough night. She is not sure where he had been cowering from the noises of the storm because after a while, he just appeared.

Later, when another round rolled through here, she could not find him in his usual hiding places. He must have found someplace where he feels safer. He finally reappeared after she called him a few times. I hope he found a hidey hole that makes him feel better. As for me, I don't worry much about just thunderstorms. My fears spring forth when the winds are howling, and there is a threat of a tornado! Remember what makes up most of me!

I heard that we might have bad weather several times this week. I think Mr. Nelson is going to have a very scary and bad week!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Greetings most humans and many others,

After all the weather related occurrences in this area during this last week, I think that I am about ready to get sent to live some place else! Sometimes the volcano in Iceland seems less threatening than what we have seen around here lately. Do any of you know anyone in Iceland?

On second thought, I forgot that Missy Linda has a nephew who lives in Palau! Now, there's a nice place to live! You may have seen some of this tropical paradise if you watch Survivor. From seeing the pictures of Mr. Ron and Missy Danka, I think I will start campaigning to be sent there. Maybe I could convince Missy Linda that I should go on a fact-finding mission or something.

I have just been thinking that if I stay around here, and the weather doesn't get less stormy, there's a good chance I will get blown past Kansas! I am made primarily of Styrofoam, remember. It just sort of occurred to me the other day that I doubt if Missy Linda will remember to grab me when she heads into the bathroom that is our shelter for storms. I know her priorities would be Mr. Nelson and Mr. Mushu.

Wait a minute! I am not sure at all if I want to be shut in a small room with Mr. Nelson and Mr. Mushu for even a few seconds. They get along like---well, the house is divided into two sections to accommodate them! Enough said?

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Greetings most humans and many others,

Well, I am glad to be back from my sabbatical, which is what Missy Linda told me I have been doing lately. I thought I was just sitting here doing nothing the whole time, but she seems to have a different definition. She says that I have been ruminating about the world and its sundry problems. It seems that I have also been thinking about what to do about personal situations around here. (I have no idea what she means by that!)

Mostly, what I know is that Missy Linda has been a little upset about her job since the new district manager got there. She comes home saying things like, "What all should a person be required to do for what I get paid?"

And sometimes, she mutters something like, "If they want me to be all for the company, then they need to give me something to make me want to do that." I don't really know what is going on there. I suspect it has something to do with money.

Anyway, it looks like she is going to let me back on the computer, so I'll be in touch, OK?