Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Whoop, Here It Is

Greetings most humans and many others,

Here we are again at the beginning of another stormy day, so the weather dudes and dudettes on TV say. Mr. Nelson is already staying in his hidey hole, which it turns out is upstairs in the hallway by Tio Kane's room. He has been very hungry lately, but he hasn't eaten his breakfast yet today.

I would offer to stay with him and sit by him upstairs, but he chews on me. That is a little too daring for me! I am not up for anything life threatening just to help Mr. Nelson feel better. Sorry, but that's just how selfish I am. Besides, I just got the flowers on my dress fixed from the last time I got too close to him. He's nice, but I have to stay as intact as possible. Remember that I already have that huge injury that forced my retirement.

I suppose I am not worried about the storms unless I somehow come into contact with huge hail or strong winds. That won't happen unless part of the house is already gone, so I guess at that point, I am on my own, right?

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