Sunday, May 16, 2010

More Weather

Greetings most humans and many others,

I am feeling sorry for Mr. Nelson today. He is really upset when there are thunderstorms, and he hides. This morning when Missy Linda wasn't greeted by him when she went into the kitchen, she knew he had been through a rough night. She is not sure where he had been cowering from the noises of the storm because after a while, he just appeared.

Later, when another round rolled through here, she could not find him in his usual hiding places. He must have found someplace where he feels safer. He finally reappeared after she called him a few times. I hope he found a hidey hole that makes him feel better. As for me, I don't worry much about just thunderstorms. My fears spring forth when the winds are howling, and there is a threat of a tornado! Remember what makes up most of me!

I heard that we might have bad weather several times this week. I think Mr. Nelson is going to have a very scary and bad week!

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