Friday, May 21, 2010

Congrats in Order

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, tomorrow is a special day in Albuquerque. Missy Ally is graduating from high school. She is an extremely accomplished young woman, and everyone is super proud of her. Congratulations, Missy Ally. We all know you will accomplish whatever you set out to do.

Today is a big deal, too. Missy Ally is having a big graduation party. We hope everyone has a great time and celebrates Missy Ally enthusiastically. We cannot attend because Missy Linda has to work, but we will be there in spirit.

There's not much going on here in Edmond. I hear that it is not going to storm for a few days. I'll take that for a very good thing. We are a little worn slick around here. All our favorite shows are on in the middle of the night on some other night than they are supposed to be because the four people in western Oklahoma need to be "informed" every nanosecond. That wasn't very nice of me to say that, was it? Well, that's just the way I am when I am inconvenienced, so there!

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