Monday, March 30, 2009

Running Late

Hello humans and others,

I will have to hurry with this. Missy Linda will be running by here to turn off the computer on her way to class any minute now. She has finally found the optimal time to arrive at the parking lot in order to have the best opportunity to get a parking space that is at least in the same block as the building. Since it is the second half of the semester, though, some mornings the lot is less full than usual. It seems that many more people skip during this time for some reason. Maybe they feel they have a grasp of the material or maybe they are just hung over more often or maybe it is just too sunny, cloudy, windy, pleasant, unpleasant or still. Who knows? Perhaps someone should research that for some class. As Roseanne Roseanna Danna says, "It's always something. If it's not one thing, it's another." You remember how Missy Linda likes her.

I am certainly hoping that the fact that the "Daily Show" will be back with new shows tonight will give Missy Linda a kick in the pants that she needs. She is always low when that show is in reruns. I guess it takes all kinds, huh?

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