Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Be Careful Today!

Greetings humans and others,

I am not even going to try to trick you people for your weird holiday today. You humans are targets that are just too easy. You are so gullible that it takes the fun out of it.

If you happen to run into Missy Linda, though, you would be well-advised to lay low. She drank too much caffeine last night, so she tossed and turned. Then she had to get up early to finish a paper that is due today. She looks and acts a little haggard, to say the least.

To top it off, it seems every other house in the neighborhood is having its roof replaced. That is not usually annoying, but it might be today. Missy Linda was blocked in yesterday morning by trucks of the roofers, and she was running late to class. I wouldn't want to be there if that happens today. There are two of four houses next to this house getting roofs right now. There are about fifty people working on each roof. That makes for a lot of trucks and junk. Maybe I should run out and warn the workers about Missy Linda, do you suppose?

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