Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Greetings humans and others,

Missy Linda is happy that this is the last week of classes, and then all that's left is finals. You know how she is, though. She will miss going to school, and she will miss seeing her friends most of all. She doesn't function as well if she doesn't have some structure in her life. I was thinking that maybe she should get a job for a little structure. Actually, I know that she is "trying" to get work. I suppose she feels like enough of a loser without my teasing her. I guess maybe I should stop teasing her about a job. OK, I'll try it for one day and see how it goes.

You will never guess what Missy Linda told me she discovered the other day! She said that our neighbor's mother or mother-in-law has some people like me. In fact, she actually makes people like me. I could not believe my ears! Do you suppose that she could be my mother? Or maybe, at least, I would find some cousins or something! Wow! I can hardly wait to find out more, can you?

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