Saturday, May 2, 2009

Have You Molded Yet?

Glub, glub, glub humans and others,

That is the sound I make when I am trying to breathe under water. How about you? Really, since my lower body is made of Styrofoam, I would somewhat float, even with my terrible injury that forced me to retire. However, my two halves would definitely not stay together as I float down raging flood waters. My top half would probably not stay upright in turbulent water, and I am sure my face would go underwater---at least part of the time! I am just hoping that it stops raining soon, aren't you?

Again, I suppose that it is one of those times that I am not too cranky about staying home. As you can tell by the big gap in my writing this week, I have been a little discombooberated* this week. I guess the thick, saturated air has slowed down my brain function. I suppose I should just be happy that it didn't get any hotter than it did this week or we would probably have moss hanging from the trees. That is just creepy!

*Discombooberate is not in my dictionary, but I was surprised to discover that "discombobulate" is. Anyway, I am sticking with my personal word, discombooberated, because that is what I was!

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