Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Gotta Find Her a Job

Good morning humans and most others,

I am putting out this call to help Missy Linda get a job. She is driving me and herself crazy (mostly me!) Her top 10 requirements are:
1. High pay
2. Flexible working hours so she can go to school*
3. Not too physically demanding (no landscaping or moving companies)
4. Not too mentally demanding
5. No overly creepy co-workers
6. Provides opportunities to meet handsome, older, single, not poor men
7. Not too boring
8. No dress code requiring mini-skirts or tank tops to be worn
9. In Edmond or very close proximity
10. Fun

I cannot see why she is having so much trouble finding a job, can you?

*A degree in Creative Studies cannot be acquired by going to class only in the evenings. This is a privilege that is reserved for MBA degree seekers and possibly a couple of other boring degree programs.

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