Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Keeping up

Good day humans and others,

Hey, at least the ads on the side there did a good job today catching up with the content. It's just too bad that Missy Linda was sneezing all over the computer when she was turning things on for me! Maybe she should check into some of those products.

Well, I'm not sure how things went today at Missy Linda's test. She came home waving around one of those blue notebooks and was yelling some stuff about how she would rather have had a bad grade than the comments the professor put on her test. I don't know what in the world that means! I thought that grades are what one wants. Anyway, that was not a test she took today. That was just one that she got back today. I'll be glad when she graduates! I have heard her say that it is only two years away. Is that all? I think I will have to figure out how to run without legs for sure if I have to put up with this stuff that much longer! I can't take this!

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