Monday, May 11, 2009

Babies Are Out and About

Hello humans and most others,

I am wondering again about this thing that Missy Linda has about or with squirrels. Are you? There seems to be a whole new generation of squirrels invading the back yard now. Missy Linda thinks they are hilarious because they are small and very awkward (for squirrels). They have trouble hanging on to moving bird feeders and climbing skinny metal poles and stuff like that. Also, it is easy to scare the bejeebers out of them. (She thinks that is hilarious!)

Missy Linda did mention that she had a warning for me to mention to you all. She said that if one throws ice cubes too hard at small animals, other things can get broken. She put two big ol' cracks in one of her feeders by throwing really hard. The sassy squirrel who was sitting there was hardly even fazed by the hit that was about two inches from his head. It did make the feeder spin all around, and, of course, it made a big noise, but he just kept eating. I have real fears about how this war is developing. We already have the giant raccoons, possums, armadillos, and no telling what else out there. I fear the day that they might organize together. Surely, you can envision my fear, right?

Let's just say I don't think it would be like Beatrix Potter or Mother West Wind out there!

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