Friday, April 24, 2009

It IS Always Something

Hello humans and others,

Well, I think I will have to fall back on my friend Roseanne Roseanna Danna again today. You remember her, don't you? "It's always something. If it's not one thing, it's another."

I"ll swan! I sometimes think Missy Linda is a five year old girl in an old lady's body! Everything can be going perfectly fine here, and she will show up, and POW!---everything is a huge cacophony of yells and screams and just turns into a massive hurtling snowball of confusion! (and that is if nothing is really going on that day). I think that we would do better here if she just got a job and went to school full time so that she would be away from home the better part of the day. I actually think I need the peace and quiet.

I think I am beginning to see why the Mister who used to live here, couldn't live here any more. But, I suppose that is another story for another day, right? Missy Linda would tell you that he just couldn't take the fun!

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