Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sweeping Me Down the Plain!

Hello humans and others,

Well, I have to say that I will give Missy Linda credit for not letting me out in the winds we have had lately---and are still having. I am sure that if I got loose somehow, I would be taking a trip to no telling where---whether I wanted to go or not! I suppose I cannot complain about staying home when it is like this outside.

It would not take a genius driving through our neighborhood today to know that tomorrow is Big Trash Pick-up Day---if you could, in fact, drive through our neighborhood. It seems that many people have misjudged how heavy their trash is, and a great deal of it is in the middle of the streets---things like pieces of old swing sets, slabs of stockade fencing, various pieces of broken furniture. There's something to be said, on occasion, for doing things at the last minute, I suppose. If you value your life, it would probably be wise to stay away from here today---for reasons other than usual, like Missy Linda is cranky or Missy Linda is headachy or Missy Linda is not wearing make-up. (Those are just things that I have heard.) I think it's a good day to put something heavy in your pockets, don't you?

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