Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The World Will Stop

A beautiful sunny good morning,
In case you all are not aware, the fourth season finale of Project Runway is tomorrow evening at 9:00pm CST. Missy Linda is all atwitter about this. Her world will come to a grinding halt to watch this, no matter what she is doing. I think this must be her favorite show. She will also record it and watch it again. Then she will watch it again when it is rerun. That's a good thing about the BRAVO network; they run each show about twenty times. When it is between seasons, she just loses some of her zest. I don't know why she is so enamored of this show. I don't see her sketching or designing clothes, and I certainly don't see her wearing anything that looks like a designer made it. I have heard her say that she used to make prom dresses and bridesmaids' dresses and a couple of wedding dresses plus lots of costumes for theatrical productions so maybe she is a designer at heart who has failed. Whatever----enough about her.

Do you know that Missy Linda did not even take a picture of me at the basketball game? Now, what am I going to put in my scrapbook for that event? It's not like there's an article in the newspaper about my being there (but there should be). Sometimes she is just lazy or selfish or something that doesn't help me at all! It's not like she was missing Project Runway last Sunday afternoon!

Hey, you guys out there! I don't see any comments coming my way. Let me know how mean you think that Missy Linda is to me. I don't have many friends who are human; I could use some support. Help me put Missy Linda in her place!

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