Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Setting the Record Straight

How is the world on this fabulous spring day? Here in central Oklahoma, it is going to be about 75 degrees with hardly any wind (compared to the last few days). Tomorrow, it's supposed to be 80 degrees! To Missy Linda and Tio Kane, that is air-conditioner weather! They seem to have a low tolerance for heat. Now, I'm beginning to understand why I'm about to freeze a lot of the time!

I have heard Missy Linda laughing and talking about something that little dark haired girl said when she was here. Both of us actually heard her telling this to Tio Kane, so Missy Linda asked me to set the record straight before it goes any further. Keep in mind that this little girl is only two years old, so we were a little surprised that she said this. She told Tio Kane that Missy Linda had hit her mommy's car! Can you believe that? Actually, what Missy Linda hit was a trash can-------twice. But she wants it clearly understood that she did not hit another car, especially not the little girl's mommy's car. We are hoping that the little girl does not continue with this rumor or steps may have to be taken to stop it. Nothing harsh, of course, more like candy or toys for bribery purposes. I hope that we can assume that this rumor dies here, ok? I certainly do not want to sully Missy Linda's good name! (Actually, you know I want you to tell the most sordid version of this you can think of, to as many people as you can, don't you?)

Well, I had better run before Missy Linda needs the computer and comes in here and reads this. I would rather get yelled at later in the day, wouldn't you?

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