Tuesday, March 25, 2008

It Is Very Quiet Here

Greetings All,
Shhhhh. It is so quiet here, I feel that my thoughts are too loud and are echoing about. I didn't realize how much I had become accustomed to the noise of those little girls. It's not that there was a lot of screaming or anything, it's just that there was a constant din of various sounds. One of the most noticeable was the clop, clop, clop of those plastic high heels that little girls wear for dress-up. We definitely all (except Missy Linda) wear our most fabulous outfits most of the time around here. That is one of my favorite things about those girls. I wish that Missy Linda did not make them change into their "regular" clothes to go out.

All the Barbies and their friends are put away now, too. There is a whole huge container of dolls, including young women, guys, little girls, little boys, and a couple of babies. There are clothes galore for everyone, and one of the guys is a doctor, and he has all the equipment for that. There is food and furniture and shopping carts, and I don't even know what else. It is a good time for all of us to play with them.

Most of the food and dishes and pots and pans for the toy kitchen are put away, too. Missy Linda is still finding some of that around the house. The girls love to cook in the kitchen, and they especially enjoy playing grocery store with the play food. There is play money and a cash register for that. Sometimes we would play clothes shopping, too. That was my favorite.

I didn't know I would miss those little goofies so much. I'll be glad when they come back, or I get to visit them. I guess I had better go and try to make some kid noises to keep myself company.

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