Monday, January 26, 2009

Ice is Not Nice

Greetings from frozen central Oklahoma,

I'll tell you, I do not like the ice that you humans must tolerate here in central Oklahoma. Remember last year when I was in the car with Missy Linda when we went spinning around and then into a ditch? That was enough for me! I have had it! Let's get this mess thawed out!

Missy Linda's school let out this afternoon, and they have already announced that they will be closed tomorrow. Oh, great! I get so little time by myself (as in away from Missy Linda, not other people) that I am not happy about this. She will probably be on the computer a lot, and I will not be able to look online for the supplies and fabulous dress that I need for my birthday party. Does anyone have any hints about how to get Missy Linda on board with my birthday party plans? It is hard for me to get all these things done all by myself (remember, I don't have legs or feet). If you have any suggestions, give me a holla, OK?

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