Sunday, January 18, 2009



It is a great day here at Missy Linda's house! The virus is gone! Tio Kane was successful in removing our important things from the computer and putting it onto an external hard drive. Then he erased the hard drive of the computer to be as it was when we purchased it. After that he began to put all of our stuff back into the computer. I don't know if he is completely finished yet, but he has the important things done. YEA! Internet shopping, here I come! Did you miss me, e-bay?

Also, it is Tio Kane's birthday today! He is not one to want a big celebration, but I still would like to at least say, "Hey! Kane! Happy Birthday!"

Well, I need to get off this and get busy with my other internet pursuits. I have been denied for several days, you know. TTYL, ok?

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