Sunday, January 25, 2009

Here I Don't Go Again

Greetings humans,

Well, as you can see by my title, I am not at the OU Women's Basketball Game! Missy Linda has a headache, and if she doesn't go, I don't go --- which hardly seems fair to me!

Ha, ha. Serves her right that she will have to get out sometime today to get food for Mushu. At least, I can revel in the knowledge that she will be in some crowded store on a Sunday, elbowing her way through the men and children who do not know the rules of the grocery store but are allowed to roam freely there on the weekends snarling up the whole world that is the super center of today. I am laughing inside already just picturing it.

One thing that does not make me happy about today, though, is that it is Stand-up Countdown on Comedy Central. That will cheer up Missy Linda like nothing else. She loves stand-up comedians. Well, I guess my last, best hope is that she will feel better and maybe take me some little place later today. I doubt it though. She will hole up with her malted milk balls and watch comedians all day, except for the trip to the store. Well, at least with a headache, she won't be laughing that really loud jackassy laugh. That's good, right?

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