Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Here Comes the Cold!

Hello humans,

Missy Linda is feeling a smidgen snarky today. She said to Tio Kane that she hopes that the Mister to whom she used to be married, is having to travel some place up north today. She thinks that is hilarious because he hates the cold, and he worked in North Dakota for a couple of years. She wants to think of his being up there today when the temperature is way, way below zero! She can be vicious!

I feel that perhaps in my own interest, I might consider being nicer to Missy Linda. She could decide to set me outside in the cold when it gets here later tonight. The weather dude said that it would be about fifteen degrees before morning. That is plenty chilly for my taste. I don't want to even think about what could happen to little ol' me on a night like this. It is just too awful to contemplate.

I wonder how Missy Linda would feel if someone wished that she were out in the cold. She will definitely be up against it tomorrow morning when she has to go all the way across the parking lot to get to class, probably in the north wind. ( I can hope for a north wind, right?) She is glad her classes are all in the same building this semester so once she gets in there, she is set for the day. Phooey! That's no fun for my imagining her freezing!

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