Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Quiet Day

Hello Humans,

I am hoping for a quiet day around here as far as Missy Linda is concerned. You know---no weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth. She can be a little dramatic sometimes. Usually, at this time of year, she is carrying on about her head exploding because of allergies, but, this year, she actually looks as if it might happen. Even though she says that she doesn't feel any worse than she usually does during this period, her head looks puffy! Well, maybe, it is just her face that looks that way---like a puffer fish without the barbs. People have even mentioned it to her. She doesn't mind that as she says she would rather know the truth. (Someday we will see about that, ok?)

Anyway, I expect her to be quiet today because she finally got an A on a paper in her Shakespeare class. Not an important paper, but she is just happy to get one on anything in that class. She also got her first A of the semester in her Comedy/Satire class, which she considers to be her most important class. She really wants to learn every thing she can in that class, because she dreams of being a satirist. She has a long way to go, doesn't she?

I just want her to be calm and happy today so that I can work on my application for the Ford Modeling Contest! Can you believe it yet?

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