Monday, October 6, 2008


Hello humans,

Are you guys all thinking about only the elections these days? That is what it seems like to me when I watch television or hear Missy Linda and Tio Kane talking. Isn't there any thing else going on in your lives? It does not seem like it to me. All I hear around here is politics, and from Missy Linda, I hear about her stupid classes and what she calls "her life." (Like she actually has one! Poor thing.)

Am I the only one who is upset about Kenley's still being on Project Runway? Surely there are some of you who think that she is a one trick pony---not to mention her unwavering rudeness to Tim and all the judges! No one should ever speak to Tim that way---ever! She is lucky that I have no way to get to New York or I would take care of her once and for all!

Have any of you heard anything in all this election talk about Tortilla Keeper People? I have not heard word one. I want rights, too! I want the things for myself that you humans want for yourselves. I want health care and tax relief and free stuff and a goody bag. Isn't that what everybody else wants? If any of you hear of any candidate for Tortilla Keeper People Rights, please let me know, ok?

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