Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Check Out This

Hey humans,

Guess what? Tio Kane finally got a couple of his captions on Pundit Kitchen. On my blog, click on"I Can Has Cheezburger?" At the top of that page in the bar, click on "Lol News and Politics." Tio Kane's captions are on page 2, today. There are numbers at the bottom of the first page to click on to get to other pages. Tomorrow, his will be on page 3. You're all smart: you get it.

Tio Kane's are the ones about the credit card with Sarah Palin and John McCain. His other one is about Craig's List and torture. It is right below the first one. Tio Kane is excited because he is always sending in funny things, but they never use them. He has sent in pictures of Andrew, too. They have never been published either, although, there are a couple that look like Andrew is in them. He is kind of that "every cat."

Speaking of Andrew, you will probably be happy to know that he is doing pretty well. He kind of has the sniffles again, but he is not throwing up very often---usually only when he eats something like part of a meatball sub or some dog food. Throwing up is a bad sign for what he has. I am happy that he is not getting very much sicker very fast and so is Missy Linda. We all love our Andrew, don't we?

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