Friday, June 27, 2008


Good morning all,

Surprise! That's what we got here in central Oklahoma this morning---a huge thunderstorm! It is still thundering here off and on. The weather dudes did not say anything about it until a few minutes before it started----and Missy Linda was up at 5:00 am and heard all the news and weather. She doesn't want anyone to think that she likes to be up at that time. It was strictly an absolute necessity to get some work finished. She is always having to hurry at the last minute to get finished! I heard some hollering from upstairs off and on so I think things may have been going badly.

Although at this house, we don't have a five day work week like many people do, I am still glad that it's Friday. It seems that Missy Linda's brain and body kind of quit on her sometime on Friday afternoon. Friday nights are good nights to catch a good movie or do something quiet around here---what could be more quiet than doing nothing? If she ever wants to get a social life, she is going to have to start doing things on Friday nights! I have observed that a great number of you humans get out or just stop on your way home from work and never make it home on Friday nights. I'm not suggesting that for someone Missy Linda's age, but even she needs a social life, don't you think?

Perhaps after I get a great social life of my own, I can help her get hers started. That would be a good deed for me to do. I understand that you humans put great stock in helping each other in times of need, and believe me, Missy Linda is in need of a social life!

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