Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sounds Like a Great Holiday!

Hello everyone,

I just heard that a week from tomorrow is a huge holiday here. From the information I received, it sounds like the kind of celebration I will enjoy a great deal. The scoop that I got was that there are fireworks, lots of food, parades and more stuff that I can't remember. I am really looking forward to that!

In general, I have enjoyed the holidays that you humans celebrate, but this one sounds like an extra fun one. I am particularly interested in the fireworks. I am guessing that those can be spectacular!

Of course, I am ready to plan my outfit for that day. I understand that I should wear red, white and blue or maybe something representing the American flag. That sounds fun, too!

Missy Linda tells a story about Mr. Nick and the Fourth of July. He always loved to shoot off fireworks that day. He would shoot firecrackers and things like that all day. He always had trouble getting the older kids and adults to go outside to do it with him. They always said that it was too hot. One year Mr. Nick said that he must be a grown man because he now thought it was too hot to go outside to shoot off firecrackers! I think that does mean that he is grown now, don't you?

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