Friday, July 18, 2008

Wrath of Juana


I must talk about Project Runway today since my Bastille Day pictures are still not ready. First of all, is everyone else as annoyed as I am because Bravo seems to be giving the show the cold shoulder? I saw very few (or maybe none) commercials telling that it would be on this week. Just because they are changing networks after this season, doesn't mean that Bravo shouldn't still be courting the viewers. I watch several shows on their network, don't you? They had better be nice to the people on my favorite show or the Wrath of Juana with be loosed upon them.

I must say that I was somewhat surprised at which contestant was asked to leave. Although I definitely agreed with who were the bottom two, I thought probably garbage bag dress lady should have gone. Her dress had such a small amount of work to it. I guess that's one reason we watch the show, right?----to see if we agree with the judges.

I did think the dress made from the plastic cups was smart and attractive. However, I don't think even I will be going to the grocery store to get the things with which to make my wardrobe, will you?

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