Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Personal Horror Movie!


Well, as I promised, this is the story of Missy Barb's own personal horror movie!

It was a dark and stormy night.....wait a minute! It was broad daylight! Missy Barb was having some problems with wasps at her house. This was not a new thing; it happened pretty much every year. Usually they would call the bug dudes out to spray, and the problem would be pretty much alleviated.

Sooooo.....Missy Barb called the bug dudes to come spray for wasps when she saw that the varmints were back again. They had evidently built their nests close to the front door, and it was hard to go in or out. The bug dudes came and sprayed. Missy Barb walked out the front door and was followed by a contingent of first strike wasps!

This was not how it was supposed to work! Missy Barb called the bug dudes to come again. They came and sprayed again. Missy Barb walked out her front door, thinking there would be no way there could be any wasps left now. (Missy Barb does not watch horror movies or she would know how things must happen.) Air Alert! Air Alert! She is being stalked by another squadron (two) of the killer wasps!

Dive bomb! Dive bomb! She was bombed (stung) by the two kamikaze wasps! One of the stings was on her ear. Ouch! Missy Barb ran back into the house and called the bug dudes again. She told them in no uncertain terms to bring the strongest stuff they have. Bug dude said that he had been using the strongest stuff they have..... but he may have one weapon left! In the meantime, Missy Barb had to unload the groceries by going all the way around to a different door to get into the house. A few of these trips amounted to a full-fledged jog!

Missy Barb went out to mow her lawn on her riding mower because it had to be done. (Airplane diving noise, airplane diving noise, airplane diving noise!) Ouch! Three huge stings! Missy Barb yanks off her hat and a piece of clothing where she is being stung and makes a bee line (Oh, no! I didn't just say that, did I?) for the house! When was that guy going to bring the big guns of the wasp killers!

To be continued.....Can you hardly wait?

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