Saturday, July 19, 2008

They're Back!


There is bad news from Missy Barb's house. The wasps are back---well, maybe not so much back as the bug dude may have missed at least one batch with his magical powder and his incantations. And they are after Missy Barb!!!

It seems that the little blue bird house that has already served its purpose for this season's bird family has become a mansion for a wayward evil swarm of wasps. These are near the back door. Missy Barb was minding her own business while trying to wash a couple of windows and the big glass door when they swooped out of nowhere to attack her! She had thought this nightmare was over, but perhaps she will never be safe again! Missy Barb, just stay inside. Nobody cares if your windows are clean but you.

Missy Barb did try to go outside to finish her job while wearing a buttoned-up winter coat and a big hat, but let's face it, it is mid-July in Oklahoma. The last we heard from her, she was going outside after dark to try to get things done. Those varmints have to sleep sometime! Or do they?

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