Monday, December 1, 2008

What About These Ads?

Hello humans,

Well, is it back to work for you all today? Missy Linda will be going up to the library, but she doesn't actually have classes today. This is her last week for classes, though, and next week are her finals. She always thinks the semesters are too short. That's because she is not close to graduation. Her classmates who are graduating soon, all sort of start zoning out about halfway through the semester. She feels like she will never get finished sometimes, which is all right in some ways. If someone would pay her living expenses and school expenses, she would love to go to school for the rest of her life.

Well, on to the subject at hand. Have you all noticed the ads that are placed on my blog? I have to say that I am getting pretty tired of the ads that are about getting a flat belly or losing weight. They seem to be the majority lately! What have I done that adsense feels that they should place these ads on my blog? Do they think I am fat or do they think that you guys are fat? If it is you guys, then that is all right. If it is I, then I need to have a talk with them, don't you think?

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