Thursday, December 11, 2008


Hello humans,

Do you guys drive around to see the Christmas lights on other people's houses or go to those big displays in other towns that would knock your eyes out? Some day I hope to get to do that. It sounds like it would be so spectacular! I saw a picture of a town not far from here that looked like it has a beautiful bridge that is all lighted. If they would let me walk across, I would pretend that I am at the Oscars or something. I would wave to all my fans, and I would love every minute of it.

Have you all got your decorations put up? As usual, Missy Linda is running behind. She hasn't got anything out yet. There is no tree or anything. I am beginning to get impatient with her. I think she is still having allergy problems, but if she is not, she had better get up off her keester and get busy. Sometimes she kind of gets stuck in low gear, I think. I am going to try to think of something motivational for her by tomorrow---you know, like a good swift kick in the pants! That should work, right?

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