Friday, December 19, 2008

A Very Fond Farewell

Hello humans,

Well, as you can probably tell from the pictures and the title, our Andrew has passed away. As you all were informed, he had been sick for awhile. We have just been happy that we got to have the time with him that we did. A lot of family members got to see him at Thanksgiving, and Missy Linda thinks that the vet was surprised he was still here that long. Andrew was a very loving cat. If someone sat down, he was known to hop into his or her lap just to visit.

Missy Linda says that she believes that Andrew thought he was the head of the house after the Mister left. He was also the head of the house when the Mister was out of town before he left for good. Andrew made sure that the whole area knew that he was the top cat around here when he first moved to this neighborhood. He did not just protect his own yard, he protected a couple of blocks from other cats---even though they lived there! He looked a little raggedy by the time he was fourteen or fifteen years old. He had a definite limp, and he had pieces missing from his ears. He was never a very large cat, but he had a huge personality.

He always welcomed other cats who came to visit into the house. He was best friends with Missy Elise's cat Gus, even though Gus was known to have a less than pleasant personality. He even watched over any new kittens who came to live here while he was the reigning monarch---and believe me, there were a lot. None of them ever lived a long life like Andrew did. He was truly one of the all time great cats. We are very sad here.

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