Sunday, December 14, 2008

Where Did It Go?

Hello humans,

I can't believe that I did not even realize that I missed writing yesterday. Missy Linda was all in a dither, and I could have had the computer to myself for awhile. She is just getting nowhere fast these days. I, personally, cannot tell one thing that she has accomplished lately. Since her finals, she has just basically been a slug, as far as I can see. I would personally suggest to her that she stop having on those stupid holiday movies in the background all day. Those are enough to make anyone droopy.

She had better get crackin' as far as I'm concerned because I think that she "needs a little Christmas." Maybe she will feel more in the mood when the high temperature for the day is 28 degrees, like it is supposed to be next week. We'll see how perky she is then, right?

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