Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sick Baby

Hi all,
Sorry I missed yesterday. Missy Linda was busy again, and you know where that put me! I can tell you, she was not busy all day. She did a tiny bit of yard work, and then she had a little visitor in the afternoon. At least her visitor was a sweetie pie. Her name is Emma, and she isn't even a year old yet. She is Ryley's little sister, and they are two of the little girls in Missy Linda's "Flock 'o Princesses." Little Emma did not feel very well when she got here, and she slept a long time, which is definitely not like Emma. Mr. Nick, one of Missy Linda's sons, and Ryley went out shopping for a birthday gift for Missy Lesley, Nick's wife and the girls' mother.

By the time little Emma got home, her fever was 103 degrees, so she won a trip to the doctor's office. Sure enough, she had an ear infection again. That makes several in the past few months, and Ryley has had some,too. Missy Linda hates for little girls to have earaches because she knows how they hurt. She had lots of ear infections when she was a little girl. It sucks!

Get well soon, Emma, and come to play at our house as soon as you can. You can bring Ryley, too. Believe it or not, I actually enjoy those little girls.

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