Sunday, April 20, 2008

Beautiful Day

How are all you wonderful people doing on this beautiful spring Sunday? If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, it is spring, anyway. I guess if you live south of the equator, it is fall. Anyway, I hope that it is a beautiful day wherever you are.

Oh, no! The phone just rang, and I hear Missy Linda talking to someone about yard work this afternoon! I hope she is not expecting me to use my beautiful Sunday afternoon to work in the yard! She can just change her plans right now, as far as I am concerned. What kind of Sunday afternoon would that be?

I had thought that Missy Linda and I would go shopping for a beautiful dress to wear for Cinco de Mayo. I guess she just expects me to wear my everyday dress. Even though it is a beautiful dress, I would like something different for special occasions. Remember my beautiful dress for Oscar night? She even made that dress for me.

Well, I had better run and get ready to battle Missy Linda about what we are going to do this afternoon. Wish me luck!

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