Friday, April 25, 2008


I just wanted everyone to see my friend Mushu taking his nap (he was taking a nap until Missy Linda started bothering him) on his Cinderella pillow on his Dora the Explorer sheets. He can really be a sweetie pie sometimes. I've decided that he is big enough that I should be a really close friend of his.

He considers this bed his bed, and he gets his feeling hurt a great deal when some of those little girls visit because they consider it their bed then. He tries to share with them, but they do not want to share with him. He's probably about as big as the smallest one of them. After they have gone home, he won't go to sleep on that bed for several days. His little (or his enlarged) heart is broken.

Well, enough about him. Missy Linda has been lax in turning on the computer for me again. I think her school is about over for the semester, so I should be able to get my turn more often soon.

Ha! You should have seen her yesterday! She came home from school, and she was so low. Some of the other students had really blasted her story in class. The professor liked it though, so that's what matters the most. She was proud of herself because she took the criticism without getting upset. She was just kind of worn out, I guess, from acting nonchalant. She's a big girl, and she knows that criticism is part of the game. But, I definitely enjoyed seeing her get her comeuppance. As far as I'm concerned, she deserves that every day!

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