Tuesday, May 20, 2008

You Won't Believe This


Tio Kane says that I am going to get a page on MySpace! Can you believe that? I'm not totally sure what that means, but I think it's supposed to be great. I think it makes me famous: is that correct? Well, anyway, I will let you know what develops, ok? I'll bet Missy Linda will be totally mad about this! Ha, ha. She has not been very attentive to me lately, so she had better watch out!
She thinks just because I am inanimate and don't have feet that I cannot go out and have a life of my own. Well, she might just find out who is inanimate!

She still thinks that I am going to help her do work in the flower beds and stuff. I don't know where she gets these crazy notions! Although, I will say that my mandevilla that I helped plant are doing well, even though Missy Linda made me plant them where they don't get enough sun. She says those trees in the front yard are getting so big she didn't realize that they shaded that area. I think she picks a spot and thinks the plant will do what she wants it to do whether it is the right place for the plant or not. She kind of thinks that her will trumps nature and everyone else! I keep telling you how crazy she is, don't I?

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