Friday, May 9, 2008

The Bunnies Are Back

Good morning,

See, I was able to get up this morning----finally. Missy Linda was glad to turn on the computer for me because she is busy watching the cottontails in the back yard. She is all excited because she hasn't seen them for a long, long time. She was worried that the bobcat that hangs around back behind the fence had eaten them. I don't know if I told you that last summer the bobcat was actually in the back yard once. Well, only once that we actually saw him. He certainly was beautiful. Anyway, Missy Linda has heard that bobcats really like to eat bunnies, so that is why she was worried.

Missy Linda is all annoyed because she was supposed to be in Albuquerque today with Missy Barb, but she had a bunch of extra work come up so she had to stay here to get it done. She was going to go to Ashley's graduation from La Cueva High School. I was invited, too! My name was actually on the envelope with the announcement! I have finally arrived! I was so excited when I thought I was going to get to take a trip without being head down in a shopping bag! Missy Linda and Missy Barb told me that we will go out there later this summer just to visit. I can hardly wait! I know that Missy Ashley likes me.

Well, I have to tick a lock. Here comes Missy Linda for her turn at the computer. I'll talk to you all later.

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