Saturday, September 6, 2008

Wow! Football Games Are Like Pageants!

Greetings all,

I have seen my first college football games now, and I like them. Not so much the actual games, but the marching bands and the cheerleaders and the pompon squads and the color guards and all those fabulous things where people also wear colorful uniforms. Oh my goodness! I would give anything to have legs and feet so I could do some of those things! I think that I would love to be a cheerleader or a pompon girl. Those guy cheerleaders have to be very muscular to lift those girl cheerleaders up and toss them around and do all those things that they do. I haven't seen an unhandsome one so far.

I hope that Missy Linda will make me a cheerleading outfit even though I have physical deficits that would make actual cheerleading impossible. She has been pretty good about things like that lately. I have a friend named Barbie who has an OU cheerleading costume. She says that she was a cheerleader there. I don't know.

I want to be a fan for OU. That's not where Missy Linda goes to school, but she is a football fan of that school. All of her kids graduated from college there, as did her son-in-law and daughter-in-law. She went there for a very tiny amount of time a long, long, long time ago, but she didn't even get close to graduating. She used to have season tickets with reserved parking, and she would fix a big tail gate feast and put up her red and white OU canopy and have a party. She gets a little sad on home game days now because she is not there in the big middle of the hoopla. She can't afford her tickets since the divorce, you know. Her goal is to work hard and have the money for them next year. We'll see, won't we? Boomer. Sooner. (Sorry, Pseudo Uncle)

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