Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Good News!

Good day humans,

I don't understand it all, but we have had a good thing happen here at Missy Linda's house. Tio Kane has had trouble with his eyes for a couple of years or more since he had lasik surgery to correct his vision. He was left with double vision in one eye and blinding halos and star bursts in the other eye. Later, he had a different kind of survery on the eye with double vision. Then he had triple vision. The last surgery was about six or eight months ago. He did not want another surgery.

Yesterday he saw his surgeon again. After a lengthy examination and much discussion, the surgeon tried a kind of eye drop that causes the pupils to get smaller. Having very large pupils was causing some of the problems in the surgery. After waiting 15 minutes, Kane could see! He says it is very dark, like wearing sunglasses at night, but other than that everything is sharp and clear----something he hasn't experienced for years! We don't know if this will be the answer in the end, but it's better than anything that has been offered yet. We will wait and see with great optimism, ok?

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