Monday, September 15, 2008

Same Ol' Thing

Good morning humans,

Well, as usual, I have been told that I cannot go to Palau unless I have a passport OR unless I want to ride HEAD DOWN IN A BAG! Now, if you all have been with me for awhile, you know that I do not like to be stuffed into a bag for transport or for storage. One of my biggest goals in life is to not let that happen to me again.

As many of you remember, I have spent a good deal of my existence HEAD DOWN IN A BAG! It is not fun. (If you aren't aware of this problem, look back to the earlier blogs.) Missy Barb made me a clear sort of carrying case with ribbon decorations and everything. I still use it when I travel. The only problem with it is that if Missy Linda leaves me in the car, it gets kind of soft and conforms to my body, and I nearly suffocate-----but I can still see! At this point in my existence, I am not willing to experiment to find out if I could, in fact, suffocate.

I suppose that now I am left with the only excitement in my future, that I know of, will be my trip to San Antonio next month. That will be great fun, but I'll bet you anything that I get left in the car a lot!

Well, I suppose, the nice thing to do would be to wish Missy Sharon and Missy Leslie and Mr. Kirk a bon voyage. I am trying to decide if I am a nice tortilla person or not.


Ashley Funkhouser said...

Woohoo! Yay for San Antonio!

lkj said...

Perhaps you'd rather travel down to Norman town and keep Mr. Harry and his animals company while we take Missy Sharon (Mom)half-way around the world? As much as he dislikes travel, I know he would have been miserable going with us. And none of us wanted him to be unhappy. But I also don't want him to get lonely or sad while we're gone. ;-)