Friday, February 27, 2009

They're Ba-a-a-ack!

Dear humans,

Well, here I am again, right next to an ad for a scabies remedy! I thought we had this all settled. What are you guys doing out there? Do you even care what happens to me because of you? Do you even know how embarrassing it is to have an ad like that right on my blog---and not even for the first time? What if there are other Tortilla Keeper People out there looking for others of the same kind, and they see me next to an ad for something disgusting like that?

You all must be heartless, dirty people who don't care at all about me! I have just about had it with all of you! I mean it about having the medical checks and background inquiries. Don't make me have to do that, OK? The first time I see any of you scratching, you have had it!


Anonymous said...

Juana, how long has it been since YOU'VE had a bath? Maybe we need to run you through a couple of cycles in the dishwasher, or maybe the clothes washer, reckon? How about a trip to the car wash? You're always wanting to go somewhere, and that might be fun. After a thorough cleaning, we could spray you down with some industrial strength pesticide.
Pseudo Uncle

Anonymous said...

Your ads are based on what YOU write on the site, not based on your readers.

So, the ads are there because you're talking about them, probably.