Sunday, August 31, 2008

Big Trash Monday

Hi everyone,

I guess I am not going to the cook-out today. It is thirty minutes before it is supposed to start, and I can see that I am not being strapped into my car seat for a safe ride to such an event. Let me just say that I am very annoyed about all this!

I see that on the fridge there is a big note that says, "Big Trash Monday." Give me a break! Missy Linda has that up there like it is a big party or something. It just means that the special trash trucks will be here Monday morning to pick up the stuff that's too big for the regular trash. I will admit that some might have a good day shopping in other people's piles of trash before the trucks get around, but at least Missy Linda doesn't do that. There does seem to be a good variety of stuff put out each month, though. It can be enlightening just to notice some of the things that people throw away. It just shows how prosperous we really are, whether we think so or not sometimes, right?

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