Saturday, May 10, 2014


Hello most humans and many others,

Oops! Did you miss me yesterday? By the time I was allowed to use the computer, I completely and totally forgot what I was supposed to do. I must be catching forgetfulness from Missy Linda. She could forget something she has written on the inside of her eyelid!

First, Tio Kane had the computer for writing his final paper of the school year. Then the internet went out for a little while. By the time it was my turn, I just checked my email and facebook and did some shopping. (Don't tattle to Missy Linda about the shopping!)

I will get back in the swing of things, I promise. I was probably thinking about how I wish I could go to a Thunder game. Boy! That game last night was too tight for my taste! If I had a stomach, I'll bet it would have been tied in a knot, don't you?

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