Sunday, May 18, 2014

Never Really Hungry

Hello most humans and many others,

Missy Linda is taking some new medicine. It has helped her to feel a lot better, except, she says she is hungry all the time. Tio Kane tells her she has never really been hungry in her whole life. She says she has to agree with that, but the medicine makes her want to eat even when her stomach is full - - - a problem she has always had in some degree. Eating, to her, she says, doesn't necessarily involve hunger.

Tio Kane took some medicine in the same family several years ago, and he gained a lot of weight. So far, Missy Linda says she hasn't actually gained any weight, but she figures she probably will. She feels she can only fight it so long. She also thinks if she has to work at it that hard, she should actually be losing weight! I think she's dreaming. However, you may remember that Blondie has a song about that. It's called, "Dreaming is Free." That is true.

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